by steve | May 2, 2016 | Glossary
Oil Royalty Terminology [/content_control message="Please log on to view the glossary."] Abandoned Well A well that is not in use because it has either ceased to produce natural gas or because it was originally a dry hole. Assignment Clause A lease condition/term in...
by steve | May 2, 2016 | Chapter 7 Wells
The Wells viewer provides a central location for viewing and managing your wells. The Wells Viewer can be accessed from the Pops Royalty Manager Main Desktop by selecting or single clicking the Wells tab. The Wells Viewer pane is divided into three sections: the data...
by steve | May 2, 2016 | Chapter 6 Lands
The Tracts tab within the main viewer provides a central location for viewing and managing your land tracts. To access, click the tab that says ‘Tracts’. The Tracts module has three main areas: The data grid...
by steve | May 2, 2016 | Chapter 5 Titles
The Titles Viewer provides a central location for viewing and managing your grants and deeds. The Titles Viewer can be accessed by single clicking the Titles tab. The Titles Viewer pane is divided into three sections: the data grid (top), the title highlights (mid),...
by steve | May 1, 2016 | Chapter 4 Statement of Interest
The Statement of Interest Viewer provides a central location for viewing and managing your division orders, spacing agreements, utilization orders, pooling agreements and the like. The Statement of Interest Viewer can be accessed by selecting clicking the Statement of...
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